Man V Nature

When he came to my land, every ounce of it was beautiful.

The bushes that hid the pool of water from the stream.

The flowers that danced just above the waterfall.

Every inch of this land was perfect.

I lend him this beautiful spot.

So he may rest, refresh, and rejuvenate.

I gave him a gift

And he tainted it.

My waterfall was polluted by his sewer line.

My flowers were ripped to pieces.

My bushes were infested with his garbage.

The rain couldn’t replenish the flowers.

The wind couldn’t sweep away the garbage.

The fire couldn’t destroy the sewer.

He left my land in mayhem.

He destroyed the life it brought.

It will take centuries for my land to be restored.

It will take ages for the flowers to dance.

It will take decades for the water to return.

No man will trespass without my wrath.

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